SPIDERIFIC!!! Beginner Wire Working

Our Studio 450 Battlefield Blvd. South, Chesapeake

These spiders aren’t the creepy crawly kind! These lovely ladies are beautiful suncatchers! What does Christmas, tinsel and good luck have in common? SPIDERS, specifically The Legend of the Christmas…


Potters Wheel: Begin Throwing

Our Studio 450 Battlefield Blvd. South, Chesapeake

BEGINNERS THROWING! Join us for an hour, introducing to the art of throwing clay on a wheel! We will provide an overview on the fundamentals such as; preparing clay (wedging),…


Hand Knitting: Cupcake Stuffie

Our Studio 450 Battlefield Blvd. South, Chesapeake

Hand Knitting! No Tools Needed! Dive into the relaxing whimsical world of HAND KNITTING with our chunky yarn CUPCAKE STUFFIE workshop! Join us for a delightful session of hand-crafting fun,…
